Date: Time: March 18, 2018
1:30 PM Eastern – 10:30 AM Pacific
by Robert Kelley, Ph.D.
Determining the effectiveness and cost efficiency of an in-situ remediation application is not only knowing the disappearance of parent compound and the costs associated but also knowing the precision/accuracy of your analytical data and the site-specific treatment goals. Interpreting these results is difficult because degradation of these compounds and all associated daughter compounds follows complicated kinetic models that could include microbial population dynamics, contaminant concentration and desorption. Also, getting representative samples from heterogenic sites from monitoring wells that are probably not in optimum locations makes dubious any chemical or biological analyses, and interpretation of the data akin to reading tea leaves. Finally, because clean-up goals can vary from “best effort” to clean closure, your performance monitoring plan needs to support your site-specific treatment goals. Results from 100’s of sites over the past 30 years provide a practical guide for best practices for performance monitoring for in-situ remediation. Making sure performance monitoring is dynamic can improve the cost efficiency of your remediation approach by allow in-field optimizations by continual comparing predictive with actual performance.
Dr. Kelley has over 36 years of experience with chemical oxidation and biodegradation technologies as an environmental researcher, consultant and vendor. A widely published expert in environmental remediation design and performance, he has authored more than 60 technical reports and papers and 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and given over 400 technical presentations to audiences world-wide. He has worked as Principal Scientist in the development of several innovative remediation technologies for recalcitrant compounds, such as PCBs and PAHs, including the use of unique combinations of chemical and biological reactions. Dr. Kelley managed product development activities at several leading environmental services firms, which includes improvements and refinements of current products as well as development of new products.