Potassium Permanganate (KMn04)
Potassium permanganate is a pH neutral chemical oxidant solution that does not release gas or create heat during reaction with contaminants.
Potassium permanganate is a pH neutral chemical oxidant solution that does not release gas or create heat during reaction with contaminants.
Sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) is a liquid chemical oxidant that is used to treat chlorinated solvents that contaminate soil and groundwater.
Permanganate is commercially available in both potassium and sodium salts. Permanganate (MnO4-) is the active ingredient of both forms of the chemical, and thus has all the benefits of permanganates listed below. Contact us now and our product specialists will help guide you through the process of determining whether potassium permanganate or sodium permanganate chemical oxidation is right for your site remediation.
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) with sodium and potassium permanganate is a safe, cost-effective and rapid remediation technology for the treatment of VOCs (e.g. PCE, TCE, DCE VC etc.) in groundwater, soils and sediments.
Type | Sodium | Potassium |
Metal | Test Results (mg/kg) | Test Results (mg/kg) |
Silver (Ag) | <0.19 | <0.4 |
Arsenic (As) | <0.098 | 1.13 |
Berylium (Be) | <0.47 | <0.6 |
Cadmium (Cd) | <0.1 | <0.12 |
Chromium (Cr) | <1.0 | 4.43 |
Copper (Cu) | <1.0 | <1.0 |
Mercury (Hg) | <0.029 | <0.03 |
Nickel (Ni) | <1.0 | <1.0 |
Lead (Pb) | <0.1 | 0.172 |
Antimony (Sb) | <0.19 | <1.0 |
Selenium (Se) | <0.94 | <1.2 |
Thallum (Ti) | <1.0 | <1.0 |
Zinc | <1.0 | <1.0 |
Quality matters – and the quality of the amendments used in your site remediation efforts are of particular importance. What gets put in the ground can remain in the ground. That is why we regularly test all of our products to identify trace metals that could be harmful to your groundwater chemistry and why we offer only the purest chemical oxidants available for in situ remediation. Independent laboratory tests consistently show that Hepure’s sodium and potassium permanganate are the purest products available on the market for groundwater and soil remediation.Analysis of trace metals covers a wide array of elements, and Hepure places emphasis on a few key metals: arsenic, chromium, mercury, and lead. These are of particular concern in the remediation of contaminated sites as they are often part of the contaminant list, which is why we focus on ensuring that these metals are well below specifications.
Hepure’s chemical oxidation amendments are also all available as pre-mixed solutions. This greatly simplifies an important task required for on-site injection. Click here to learn more. >>