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Hepure has worked with the golf industry providing potassium permanganate to unclog sprinkler lines caused by zebra mussels and bryozoa. We provide potassium permanganate in 25 kg drums (55.1 pounds). You can request a quote here: This article is provide to help you understand the issues and help decide on the best plan of…
Zerovalent iron (ZVI) is the most commonly used zerovalent metal (ZVM) for contaminated site remediation. Recent industrial and urban activities have led to elevated concentrations of a wide range of contaminants in groundwater. The use of ZVI for the treatment of toxic contaminants in groundwater and wastewater has received wide attention and encouraging treatment efficiencies…
Algae Growth in Water Systems on Golf Courses Water systems, especially golf courses, can be inundated with algae resulting in clogged filters, dirty retention tanks, partially filled pipe systems, and clogged sprinkler heads. The result is higher maintenance cost to clean filters, higher pumping cost due to increased pressure requirement and uneven water distribution, which…