Product Details
Ferox Target is specifically manufactured for environmental remediation applications within the unsaturated and saturated source area(s). The particle size (average 44 microns) is ideal for providing high reactivity with a shorter treatment life than Ferox PRB and Ferox Flow. ZVI powders react abiotically with contaminants, bypassing the more harmful daughter products (i.e. DCE and vinyl chloride). The reactivity is driven by surface area and is an important element in design of ZVI treatment projects. Ferox Target is 95% pure ZVI containing no residual oils.
Ferox Target can be injected by conventional DPT or using high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic fracturing. Typical slurry injection concentrations are between 4 and 9 pounds of ZVI per gallon. Under these conditions, the carrier fluid (i.e. water, EVO, other) must be continually circulated to keep the ZVI suspended. Alternatively, guar gum is used to create a temporary suspension in the liquid phase for injections. Ferox Target may also be emplaced by soil mixing using traditional auger, pug mill, or excavator mixing methods.
Ferox Target is a direct replacement for many dechlorination amendments providing a long term treatment solution when high contaminate concentrations may lead to formation of DCE and VC in excess of an amendments treatment capacity. Ferox Target is commonly mixed with emulsified vegetable oil and sodium lactate to make an eZVI solution, Ferox Plus. The long term biological dechlorination process utilizing EVO/Lactate is a proven compliment to the abiotic dechlorination of ZVI. Ferox Target can also be combined with Ferox Flow to provide additional reactivity and longevity for high concentrations or source area DNAPL.