Figure 1: Plume Flow Through PRB

Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) Design

NEW: Click here for Ferox PRB Case Study (PDF) Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) are typically used to control the down gradient spread of contaminated plumes.  A PRB can have a wide variety of designs depending on the groundwater flow characteristics, geochemistry and contaminants to be controlled.  The most common barriers utilize biological treatment or reduction…

Groundwater Remediation Design

Groundwater Remediation Basics Groundwater remediation is the process of treating polluted groundwater by removing pollutants or breaking them down chemically into harmless products. The kind of groundwater remediation we will be discussing here, and the kind that Hepure focuses on, is called “in situ.” In in situ groundwater remediation, the water is treated by pumping…


Soil Remediation

Soil Remediation Basics Soil remediation is the process of by which previously contaminated land becomes useable again. Broadly speaking, there are two strategies used for soil remediation: clean-up technologies and stabilization. Clean-up technologies reduce the amount of contaminant by either destroying or removing them. Stabilization technologies (also called containment) lowers the pollutant’s mobility and bioavailability.…


Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Petroleum hydrocarbon remediation requires technologies to address specific site conditions within a contaminated aquifer.  Petroleum Hydrocarbon treatment technologies are designed to break the carbon – hydrogen bonds which make up the contaminate.  Petroleum hydrocarbons can have a single carbon with multiple hydrogens bond (methane, CH4)  to more complex hydrocarbons such as benzene (C6H6). The more…