Potassium Permanganate (KMn04)
Potassium permanganate is a pH neutral chemical oxidant solution that does not release gas or create heat during reaction with contaminants.
Potassium permanganate is a pH neutral chemical oxidant solution that does not release gas or create heat during reaction with contaminants.
Sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) is a liquid chemical oxidant that is used to treat chlorinated solvents that contaminate soil and groundwater.
Ferox Target Zero Valent Iron Powder is engineered for environmental remediation applications within the unsaturated and saturated source area(s).
Ferox Flow Zero Valent Iron is a highly reactive, remediation grade, (ZVI) powder proven to work in the treatment of environmentally contaminated zones adjacent/down-gradient to contaminant source areas.
Hepure is a premier calcium polysulfide supplier. Our remotox is used around the world routinely for remediation of excavation sites.
Remotox is a water-soluble compound that has been shown to be a cost effective for in-situ stabilization of metals. The common name for Remotox is calcium polysulfide, (CaS5) with a molecular weight of 199.8 gram per mole. Remotox has a pH of 11 to 11.5, a specific gravity of 1.27 and is deep orange-red color in solution. It is water soluble and comes as 29% (Wt. % CaS5) aqueous solution.